New Jersey Clean Communities

Adopt-A-Highway is a comprehensive, statewide, volunteer program created by the New Jersey Department of Transportation and the New Jersey Clean Communities Council to encourage volunteers to clean and maintain state highways. Our mission is to reduce litter on state highways in an ongoing effort to enhance the appearance of New Jersey’s landscape, protect the health and welfare of New Jersey residents, and promote a booming economy.
To adopt a state highway, a business, community organization or individual must file an application online (click here) requesting permission to adopt a segment of state highway. Once the application is approved, the applicant must execute an Agreement with the Clean Communities Council. The Agreement requires the applicant to clean the segment of state highway four times a year for two years, abide by safety regulations, follow protocol for the pickup and disposal of trash, and file reports cards after the cleanups. The Clean Communities Council conducts safety training workshops and provides supplies for cleanups. The Department of Transportation installs recognition signs, and picks up and disposes of trash.
There is no charge to participate in Adopt-A-Highway—only your commitment to a Clean New Jersey. For more information, contact the Clean Communities Council at 609-989-5900 or